# bind A title # default! # bind A screen -t AUGSBURG 5 links http://www.luga.de/Aktuelles/LIT-2006/ # bind A screen -t AUGSBURG 5 links http://www.luga.de/Aktionen/LIT-2006/index_html?portal_skin=printable # bind A screen -t AUGSBURG 5 links http://www.luga.de/Aktionen/LIT-2006/index_html/#a5 # bind A screen -t AUGSBURG 5 links https://www.luga.de/Aktionen/LIT-2007/ bind A screen -t AUGSBURG 5 links http://imi.st/prog-LIT07.html # # BUUG - Berlin Unix User Group - read some news about Unix # bind B # unbound by default # bind B screen -t BICS 4 links http://ods.schule.de/bics/inf1/tagung/index.htm # bind B screen -t Berlinux 4 links http://www.berlinux.de/ # bind B screen -t BLIT 4 links http://www.linuxtag-brb.de/vortragsprogramm.html # # bind C screen -t CCC 9 links http://www.ccc.de/congress/2003/fahrplan/events.de.html # bind C screen -t CCC 9 links http://www.ccc.de/congress/2003/ # bind C screen -t CAMP 9 links http://www.ccc.de/camp/index.en.html # bind C screen -t 23C3blog 9 links http://events.ccc.de/ # bind C screen -t LightTalk 0 links http://events.ccc.de/congress/2006/Lightning_Talks # # bind C screen -t CHEM 9 links 'http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/linux/tag/lt5/vortraege/?print=1' # bind C screen -t CHEM 9 links http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/linux/tag/ # bind C screen -t CHEM 9 links http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/vortraege/plan.html # bind C screen -t CHEM 9 links http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2007/vortraege/plan.html bind C screen -t CHEM 9 links http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2008/vortraege/plan.html # # bind C screen -t CIT 9 links http://www.guckes.net/cit/ # bind C screen -t CIT 9 links http://www.computerinfotag.de # NOTE: This overrides the default binding for the "clear" command. # # www.a1.net www.izone.at # www.one.at # DICT - Dictionary English<->German # bind D pow_detach ! # bind D screen -t DICT 4 links dict.tu-chemnitz.de bind D screen -t DICT 4 links dict.tu-chemnitz.de/pda # Note: this overrides the default binding for the # command "pow_detach". I hardly ever use that one. # # MUTT - Email User Agent # bind E # unbound by default # bind E screen -t mail 0 mutt # E = (current) Event bind E screen -t DEEPSEC links http://www.deepsec.net/ # # bind e screen -t mail 0 muttng bind e screen -t mail 0 mutt # # EasterHegg + Eisenstadt # bind E screen -t EISENSTADT links http://www.linuxwochen.at/cgi-bin/index?id=100000974 # bind E screen -t EASTERHEGG links http://www.guckes.net/eh/ # bind E screen -t EISENSTADT links http://www.linuxwochen.at/2006/Eisenstadt_Programm # bind E screen -t EISENSTADT links http://linuxwochen.at/2007/Eisenstadt # I use email quite a lot - so window #0 is reserved for that. # see also: http://www.guckes.net/mutt/ # # FTP - File Transfer "Program" # bind F fit # default! # bind F screen -t ftp 9 ncftp # see also: http://www.guckes.net/ncftp/ # bind F screen -t Wetter 4 links http://www.donnerwetter.de/region/suchort.mv?search=10719 # bind F screen -t Free! 4 links http://freesummer.kunstlabor.at/ # bind F screen -t FOSDEM 4 links http://www.fosdem.org/ # bind F screen -t FrOSCon 4 links http://programm.froscon.de # bind F screen -t FrOSCon 4 links http://programm.froscon.org/2007/day_1.en.html bind F screen -t FSCONS 4 links http://www.fscons.org/programme # # GOOGLE - Web Search Engine # bind G # unbound by default bind G screen -t Google 0 links www.google.com # # HEISE - IT NewsTicker # bind H log # default! bind H screen -t Heise 0 links www.heise.de # bind H screen -t EH04 0 links http://eh.muc.ccc.de/ # bind H screen -t EH05 0 links http://eh2005.hamburg.ccc.de/ # bind H screen -t HTL 0 links http://aosc.htlw16.ac.at/lw2003.html # NOTE: This overrides the default binding of the "hardcopy" command! # # IRC - International Relay Chat # bind I screen -t irc 5 irc # bind I screen -t icq 9 micq # see also: http://www.guckes.net/irc/ # # Feb 2002: Use it to search the Internet Movie DataBase (IMDB): # bind I screen -t IMDB 9 links http://www.imdb.com/ bind I screen -t IMDB 9 links http://us.imdb.com/search/ # see also: http://www.guckes.net/berlinale/ # # bind J # unbound by default bind J screen -t Kunstlab 0 links http://kunstlabor.at/ # # bind K kill # default! # bind K screen -t LT 0 links http://www.linuxtag.org/ bind K screen -t KDE 0 links http://conference2004.kde.org/ # This *removes* the binding for 'K' # thus requireing you to enter the # command via the command line, ie ":kill". # This prevent accidental killing of your windows. # Old versions of SCREEN do not prompt for # confirmation on "killing a window", you see.. # # LYNX - web browser # bind L # unbound by default # bind L screen -t lynx 4 lynx http://www.guckes.net/ # see also: http://www.guckes.net/lynx/ # see also: http://www.guckes.net/links/ # bind L screen -t InfoTage 4 links http://www.linuxinfotage.de/ # # bind L screen -t DRESDEN 4 links http://www.linuxinfotag.de/ # Dresden! # bind L screen -t DRESDEN 4 links http://www.linuxinfotag.de/86/room?track=9 # program bind L screen -t DRESDEN 4 links http://linux-info-tag.de/93/room?track=14 # program 2007 # # bind L screen -t LUG-Camp 4 links http://www.lug-camp-2002.de/programm.html # bind L screen -t LUG-Camp 4 links http://www.lug-camp-2005.de/index.php?id=lc_programm # bind L screen -t LUG-Camp 4 links http://www.lug-camp-2005.de/index.php?id=lc_programm # bind L screen -t LUG-Camp 4 links http://www.lug-camp.ch/ # # bind L screen -t MDLUG 4 links http://www.mdlug.de/index.php/linuxtag2002/vortraege/v12.inc?menu=0|4| # bind L screen -t MDLUG 4 links http://www.mdlug.de/index.php/linuxtag2002/programm.inc?menu=0|4|&nomfc=1 # # bind L screen -t L-Events 4 links http://www.infodrom.org/Debian/events/LinuxTag2003/ # bind L screen -t L-Events 4 links http://www.infodrom.org/Debian/events/LinuxTag2002/workshop.php3?room=WS+2&day=2002-06-07&time=16:00 # bind L screen -t LinuxTag 4 links http://www.guckes.net/linuxtag2002/ # bind L screen -t LinuxTag 4 links http://www.linuxtag.org/2003/de/conferences/conferences.html # bind L screen -t LinuxTag 4 links http://www.linuxtag.org/2004/conferences/conferences.html # bind L screen -t LinuxTag 4 links http://www.linuxtag.org/2005/ # bind L screen -t LinuxTag 4 links http://www.linuxtag.org/2006/ # bind L screen -t LinuxTag 4 links http://www.linuxtag.org/2007/ # bind L screen -t Pforzheim 0 links http://infotage.pf-lug.de/programm.php # 2005 # bind L screen -t Pforzheim 0 links http://infotage.pf-lug.de/2006/page,Programm_kurz # bind L screen -t Pforzheim 0 links http://infotage.pf-lug.de/2006/page,Programm # bind L screen -t Pforzheim 0 links http://infotage.pf-lug.de/2006/ # bind L screen -t LINZ 0 links http://www.linuxwochen.at/2006/Programm_Linz:_Index_B01 bind L screen -t Luxemburg 0 links http://www.linuxdays.lu/agenda/linuxdays-2007 # Example: # bind L screen -t 'LOGFILE' sudo /usr/bin/tail -f /var/log/messages # bind M monitor # default! # bind M screen -t MD 9 links 'http://www.mdlug.info/linuxtag2003/index.php?option=linuxtag&Itemid=52' # # Nepal: # bind N screen -t Nepal 0 links http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/44454.html # Berlin, Tegel Airport: # bind N screen -t Wetter 0 links http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/10382.html bind N screen -t Wetter 0 links http://www.donnerwetter.de/region/suchort.mv?search=10719 # # bind O login off # default bind O screen -t WOS3 0 links http://wizards-of-os.org/ # # Paste - use 'P' instead of ']': # bind P # unbound by default # my fingers are used to this: bind P paste . # # bind Q only #default bind Q screen -t HOME 0 links http://www.guckes.net/ # # bind R # unbound by default # Register page at NetMind's Service: # bind R screen -t NM 0 links http://www.netmind.com/URL-minder/new/register.html bind R screen -t BRB 0 links http://www.linuxtag-brb.de/vortragsprogramm.html # # # SLRN - newsreader # bind S screen -t slrn 3 slrn -n -C -k0 -h # bind S screen -t slrn 3 slrn -n -C -k0 -h news1.open-news-network.org # bind S screen -t slrn 3 slrn -n -C -k0 -h news.code-werk.net bind S screen -t slrn 3 slrn -n -C -k0 -h news.vr.in-berlin.de # bind S screen -t SED 3 links http://www.guckes.net/sed/ # see also: http://www.slrn.org -> http://slrn.sourceforge.net # # bind T # unbound by default # bind T screen -t TRASH 0 ssh trash # bind T screen -t T-DOSE links http://www.t-dose.org/?q=en/node/30 bind T screen -t T-DOSE links http://www.t-dose.org/schedule/ # # bind U # unbound by default # bind U screen # bind U screen -t NEWS 4 snownews # bind U screen -t Unterk 4 links http://www.infodrom.org/Debian/events/LinuxTag2003/ # bind U screen -t Graz 4 links http://graz.linuxwochen.at/ bind U screen -t Graz 4 links http://linuxtage.at/programm/ # bind U screen -t 21C3 4 links http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/ # *U*sual Suspects # bind U screen -t UKUUG 4 links http://www.ukuug.org/events/linux2005/tutorials/ # bind U screen -t UKUUG 4 links http://www.ukuug.org/events/linux2005/programme/timetable.shtml # # bind V # unbound by default bind V screen -t vim 0 vim -X # Editing comes with email quite naturally - # so I have reserved window #1 for this. # http://www.guckes.net/vim/ # # W - WIEN! # bind W screen -t WEBSTER 4 links http://www.m-w.com/ # bind W screen -t WETTER 4 links http://www.wetteronline.de # bind W screen -t WETTER 4 links http://www.wetteronline.de/Mecklenb-Vorp/MecklSeen.htm # bind W screen -t WETTER 4 links http://www.wetteronline.de/cgi-bin/citybild?PLZ=01099&PLZN=Dresden # bind W screen -t WIEN 4 links http://www.linuxwochen.at/cgi-bin/index?topic=Wien&print=yes # bind W screen -t WIEN 4 links http://wien.linuxwochen.at/ # bind W screen -t WIEN 4 links http://linuxwochen.at/2006/Programm_Wien:_Index bind W screen -t WIEN 4 links http://linuxwochen.at/2007/Programm_Wien:_Index # bind W screen -t WIEN 4 links http://www.cngw.org/prozesse/running/eh06.html # bind W screen -t WIKI 4 links http://linuxwiki.org/LinuxTag2003_2fFahrGemeinschaften # # X - a fast way to lock the current screen. bind X lockscreen # # bind Y exec !!! echo -n http://www.guckes.net/ # bind Y stuff http://www.guckes.net/ bind Y stuff http://www.guckes.net/pics.2006.06-24/ # This pastes the address of my homepage to the process # in the current window. very nice - saves some typing. # and you don't have to have the functionality of # "abbreviating" in the processes themselves. :-) # # # bind Z screen -t HOME 0 links http://www.guckes.net/ # bind Z screen -t HOME 0 links http://www.linuxtage.at/ # 'Z' as in "graZ" :-) bind Z screen -t HOME 8 links http://myblog.de/linuxweekend